Women's International Match Racing Association
News Detail

Pré-Olímpica de Vela 2010 de Brasil - Match Racing Feminino
Excerpt from the Iate Clube de Brasília website: /www.iatebsb.com.br/modelo/paginas/esportes/nautica/Pre_olimpica%202010/nautica_pre_olimpica_2010.asp

Racing begins today in the Women’s Match Racing Event at the Pré-Olímpica de Vela 2010 de Brasil (The 2010 Brazilian Pre-Olympic Sailing Regatta)

News Release (original in Portuguese followed by English translation):

Já os primeiros confrontos do Match Race Feminino estão marcados para as 9 horas. Cinco equipes se revezarão em quatro barcos Microtoner 19. As equipes farão duas rodadas no sistema "todas contra todas" e as quatro mais bem colocadas disputarão as semifinais (primeira contra a quarta e segunda contra a terceira em uma série melhor-de-três confrontos). As perdedoras decidem o terceiro lugar (melhor-de-três) e as vencedoras a grande final (em melhor-de-cinco). Cada "flight", como é chamado o confronto barco contra barco, deverá demorar em torno de 15 a 20 minutos, dependendo do vento.

"Estamos aqui desde sábado e pudemos treinar um pouco mais com o barco. Hoje (terça-feira), velejamos umas duas horas e só paramos porque o vento acabou. Acho que a nossa classe será bem equilibrada", comentou Juliana Senfft, atual integrante da Equipe Brasileira de Vela.


The first clashes of Match Race Female are scheduled for 0900 today. Five teams will take turns in four boats of the class Microton 19. The teams will two round robins with each team sailing the other twice and the four teams with he best scores will race in the semifinals (first against fourth and second against third in a series best-of-three races). The losers will sail for third place in the petit-finals (best-of-three) and the winners will compete in the grand final (in best-of-five). Each "flight" should take around 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the wind.

"We’ve been here since Saturday and were able to train a bit more with the boat. Today (Tuesday), we sailed about two hours and only stopped because the wind died. I think our class is well balanced," said Juliana Senfft, skipper of Team Brasileira de Vela.
Posted on Feb 24, 2010 by WIMRA Webmaster

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