Women's International Match Racing Association
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Pré-Olímpica de Vela 2010 de Brasil - Match Racing Feminino - Day One
Brazilian Pre-Olympic Regatta: The first day of Match Race woman is paralyzed by lack of wind
(Translated from Portuguese)
By Mariana Peccicacco

The first day of competition of Match Race Women’s Pre-Olympic sailing had to be stalled by lack of wind. The races were scheduled to begin at 9 am, but the start was only given to 9.30. The little wind prevented the crews Decnop Renata, Juliana Senfft, Juliana Mota and Raquel Aimone do their pre starts with many maneuvers.

During the first match, which lasted half an hour, Juliana Sennft got the better of Decnop Renata, who could not leave well and maintain a good speed due to lack of wind. In the second match, the better for Juliana Mota on Raquel Aimone, who was unable to cross the finish line by the wind over.

Prevented from doing more races, the CR chose to have all crews to land, that are awaiting the arrival of the wind. Are scheduled two round robins (all against all), followed by semi-final between the four best and final between the top two.
Posted on Feb 25, 2010 by WIMRA Webmaster

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